A Mexican fiction series that narrates the saga of an 18th century family fragmented by the prevailing “legitimacy” and “illegitimacy”; a family whose ideas and passions are intertwined, over time and generations, with the heat of the War of Independence, and culminated in the turbulent years of the Mexican Revolution. Los Minondo is the story of people's daily life, seen through everything that happens to this family that is mixed with personalities from the clergy, politics, the elite... the Spanish, Creole Los and Mexicanos from that season. Thus, the presence of Spain in our land, the miscegenation, the acculturation in Catholicism, the transition from Creole patriotism to nationalism, the dispute over land, segregation, repression and the assimilation of modern thoughts, are the framework in which the Minondo will fight to survive, showing the diversity of the social mosaic of our country over three centuries. The destiny, the secrets and the intrigues and of these three characters and their respective descendants, will take us through crucial events in the history of Mexico and Us will make it possible to reconstruct their social and cultural implications.


Fiction, Drama



It produces:
The Minondo

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