The series chronicles the adventures of Sofía Luna, a young physics student, in her fight against the archivillain Otto Van Carpio, who is determined to plunge Villa Rugosa into total chaos. Her intelligence and knowledge of science allowed Sofia to join the Universal League of Scientists Against Archivillains (LUCA), where she is recruited as a Special Agent, and helped by her little brother, Pato, her mission is to anticipate and thwart the malevolent plans of Van Carpio and his assistant Bulmaro. The young woman receives instructions from Special Agent Julieta, who travels through space aboard the LEIKA 1 ship, and who in turn receives information about what is happening on Earth, from Agent “Y”, also from LUCA. In Sofía Luna, Special Agent, a series that consists of 13 episodes, 22 minutes long each, combining science, fun and suspense, while carrying out experiments explained with the scientific bases that govern its operation, so that young viewers, under the supervision of an adult, can replicate them in their homes to amaze their family and friends. In addition to adventure, in this series you can find animations, life in space, optical illusions and experiments with lasers, rockets, and others. The series had the collaboration of Dr. Julieta Fierro, a researcher at the Institute of Astronomy of the UNAM and the UNESCO Kalinga award for scientific dissemination, one of the highest authorities in Mexico on the subject, who advised on scientific content and also made her debut as an actress.





It produces:
Sofía Luna

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