More than 30,000 people receive organs every year around the world. Each of these cases involves a story where tragedy is mixed with hope; lives interrupted by unexpected accidents and random acts; they find meaning when their vital organs manage to give another a new chance to live. In “Life After Life” we meet men and women from completely different worlds, who are united when the death of one becomes a new beginning for the other. A hospital located in the heart of Santiago brings together a multidisciplinary team, where doctors, surgeons and technicians must work together with lawyers and attorneys; to become the center of an organ transplant network. In a job where every second counts and any mistake can cost a human being's life, the members of this team must learn to work together, regardless of their differences in training and style. Through the diverse team at Nataniel Cox Hospital, we see cases passing by ordinary people who face extreme situations and hard decisions. At the core of “Life After Life” will be the relationship that is created between the medical team and their patients; those waiting for a transplant, donors and their families. Doctors Alexis Mackenna, Samuel Vásquez and Paula Rilke will not only witness the complex moments that their patients go through; they will also be emotionally linked to the individual dramas and ethical dilemmas posed by the cases. Following the pattern of series such as “E.R.” and “Doctor House”, each episode of “Life After Life” shows us the medical team dealing with an individual case; a self-conclusive story that intersects with the stories of the doctors in charge, who are faced daily with decisions that can determine the life or death of a person.




Worldwide, except Chile

It produces:
Life for life
Canal Trece

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