In the late 80s, the Franklin neighborhood witnessed a story like no other: Yolanda Garrido, a modest young and proud daughter of her neighborhood, and Franklin Ulloa, a man from a family with pretensions to greatness. Both challenged classism when they fell in love and decided to get married, but the opposition of the Ulloa family, who devised a dark deception to separate them, put an end to this dream. Driven by the lie his parents planned, Franklin decides to leave the country. Yolanda for her part, assuming that her lover had cowardly abandoned her because of class differences, promises to transform herself into a rich and powerful woman, never to suffer that humiliation again. 25 years later, Yolanda is known as “The Queen of Franklin”, the most successful businesswoman in the famous neighborhood. But the past always returns and Yolanda will see her kingdom in danger when the Ulloa family, through a deception, TAKES AWAY her most precious warehouse, and with it, brings Franklin back to her life.